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Mysterious Daedric Sword, Zahkrii Do Dovahkiin


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So I was looking through some stuff in the console when I stumbled upon this weapon, named "Zahkrii Do Dovahkiin." Curious, I used the additem code to put it in my inventory, where it shows up as a normal looking one-handed Daedric sword, with the description mentioning that its true power is unlocked through the Dragonborn's Thu'um. I think it's a safe bet that it was added by a mod, but I can't figure out for the life of me what mod I downloaded that it came from lol. Anyone have any idea? Obviously this isn't anything game-breaking, I'm just curious. I thought it might've been from JaySuS Swords, since he's named unique weapons in that with the dragon language, but they all have unique models, and this is just a Daedric sword, so I dunno.

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Simple. First, determine the console command you used to add the item. It probably looked like: player.additem XXXXXXXX 1 (not sure about the number of actual characters, but I'm sure you understand). Then, take a look at those first 2 X's (i.e. the first two characters of the item's code). This corresponds to the load order of the mod that included the weapon. Cross-reference this with the NMM's load order for your mods, and you'll figure it out!

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I don't use NMM though. Still, going by the code it was added by the Dragonborn DLC, as that video suggests. Which also leads me to believe that it's pretty much just a scrapped weapon Bethesda forgot to completely remove. Thanks for the help, though, guys!

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