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Adding data from fallout3 to new vegas (key=fomm)


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So I have been able to do this but the problem is I do not know which of GRUPs within the TESsnip conflicts with GECK and Fallout NV. what I have been doing is deleting most of the data from fallout 3 and the DLCs for fallout 3 in order to allow GECK to completely load the files I want. Some of the deleted files were the cells, creatures, and more. But I just identified the 2 that I would like to keep. If anyone can post some information on how they were able to load fallout 3 into fallout new Vegas successfully it would save me time from fiddling with the TESsnip tool in fallout mod manager. "Urg" it's like looking for a needle in a hay stack.... Q-Q
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Uhm I don't think we are allowed to talk about that here, you need to goolge TTW (Tale of Two Wastelands). It's banned here. You cant just inject Fallout 3 into NV.


EDIT: Actually it is possible to convert something like weapons or basic stuff in an esp with the right files from the BSA so maybe look into that too.

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Thanks for the info SMB92 I will check that out. And the two files I wanted to keep were more like a collection of 10 or so.... ya XD but the files had the meshes and animations for creatures and Races. I had to get rid of them because GECK would just load forever. And now I did something that caused GECK to not even open O-0
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