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Dwemer Horse Mod for Skyrim.


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I was thinking about this the other day, and thought it would be a cool idea, and not that hard to do from a modder's point of view ( I think).


Basically, all the Dwemer bits and pieces in the game that have no real use (other than dwemer armour, and good for getting some cash) can be brought together to create a Dwemer construct horse.


Break down of how it might work:
Quest to find certain pieces from a specific blacksmith (E.g. the Companions guy at the Sky Forge.)

List of pieces, e.g. 1 Solid Dwemer Metal piece, 4 Decorative Struts, 10 Bent Scrap Metal etc.

Once all pieces are acquired ( In inventory plus storage in house) quest updates and sends you to one of the Dwemer dungeons in the game, where you have to find a book/scroll/schematic etc detailing how to create the horse.

Bring all pieces to the original blacksmith, plus the book/scroll/schematic, and he creates you a unique Dwemer construct horse.


You might be thinking, why would I go through all this trouble, just to get a horse? Well, the horse is a mechanical, Dwemer construct, right? So, shouldn't it be faster than the average horse? Plus, it would have a unique Dwemer texture, which would look awesome!


Basically, what I looking for to start up this mod would be:

a) Modder/s who could either do the modding needed, show me how to do it ( if it isnt that hard), or a mixture of those 2 things.


b) Someone who could make all the textures for the horse etc.


Thanks for you time,


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