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CTD without fail when I try to enter a major city


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I have no idea how the heck I'm supposed to fix this one, simply because I have >150 mods active and at least ONE of them is making me CTD whenever I try to go into a major city (i.e. Windhelm).


I've attached a Papyrus log, but be warned; it's f*cking huge. Had to actually split it in two to fit it in. No way I can search through it and find the problem. Might not even be there...



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Sometimes the papyrus log can yield useful information, but it's not a 'crash log' so won't always indicate the causes of CTDs (in fact, rarely, I find). Also, other information are needed to make sense of the log (for example, the load order of plugins when the log was generated).


Post your BOSS log (with the messages), include the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated. Enclose them in spoiler tags so they don't clutter the screen. Copy/paste your papyrus log into a spoiler tag too.

Edited by ripple
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Sometimes the papyrus log can yield useful information, but it's not a 'crash log' so won't always indicate the causes of CTDs (in fact, rarely, I find). Also, other information are needed to make sense of the log (for example, the load order of plugins when the log was generated).


Post your BOSS log (with the messages), include the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated. Enclose them in spoiler tags so they don't clutter the screen. Copy/paste your papyrus log into a spoiler tag too.

My Papyrus log is too large to put into a post, so I attached it above in my first two posts.


As for my BOSS log, here it is:



Sure hope it doesn't have something to do with SkyRe. I use Wrye Bash, so it should become compatible with other mods.

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Please just copy/paste logs into spoiler tags from now on, rather than post attachments. It just makes things easier.


1) Looks like a few plugins still needs to be cleaned, so go ahead and download TES5Edit from that link and clean the plugins flagged by BOSS as containing 'dirty edits' (including the official patch and DCL esm's). Remember you'll need to remove identical to master entries as well as undelete/disable deleted references.


2) Comb through the BOSS log for any error messages that require your attention, for example:



IceBreaker's Improved Reverb.esp Active
* Note: Obsolete. Update to latest renamed version, IceBreaker's Improved Reverb-v0.02-Cleaned.esp

Make sure you address them all so we can at least 'rule them out' as possible culprits for load order and game instabilities.


3) What do you normally do with the plugins not recognized by BOSS? Every time you run BOSS, those plugins go to the bottom of the load order and basically override other plugins in the load order if they contain conflicting records. This is obviously potentially detrimental to the stability of the load order. The best way to handle unrecognized mods is to load them all in TES5Edit with the rest of your load order, and check their records to see if they contain conflicts with other mods. If they don't, then they can load any where above your compatibility patches (e.g. Bashed Patch, ReProccer). If they do contain conflicting records, you'll have to decided, based on what sort of records are in conflict and which mod is more 'important', where these unrecognized plugins should load. Alternatively, you can just uninstall them so you don't have to deal with the aggravation (there are quite a few of them and might take a while to go through them all), or at least temporarily disable them to see if one of them might be causing the reproducible CTD when trying to enter a city.


4) You've tested this with cities other than Windhelm, right? Every city causes CTD, not just one of even a few?


5) What's your system spec and are you using any hi-res or HD texture replacers?

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