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power helmet Interface idea


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ok, here is my idea.


An Automated Battlefield Scanning Interface. When wearing a power helmet in first person view it actually looks like the inside of a power helmet. the computer scanner automaticaly highlights enemies (hold down V when targeting an enemy. Similar to that without stopping the game) and allows you to turn on/off night vision at will. The vanilla interface already has a weapon/ammo readout at the bottom corners, and with this mod in place they would already look like computer readouts for the helmet interface. Add a semi-green filter (maybe changable color) and maybe a thin darker colored vertical line moving back and forth for looks and you have yourself a unique, immersive, & functional addition to power armor.


I just want this thing to exist so bad and many of my friends think it would be Bad@$$. But alas, none of use know how to do it. you can take all the credit for the idea if you want, i just want to see it given life.

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ok, here is my idea.


An Automated Battlefield Scanning Interface. When wearing a power helmet in first person view it actually looks like the inside of a power helmet. the computer scanner automaticaly highlights enemies (hold down V when targeting an enemy. Similar to that without stopping the game) and allows you to turn on/off night vision at will. The vanilla interface already has a weapon/ammo readout at the bottom corners, and with this mod in place they would already look like computer readouts for the helmet interface. Add a semi-green filter (maybe changable color) and maybe a thin darker colored vertical line moving back and forth for looks and you have yourself a unique, immersive, & functional addition to power armor.


I just want this thing to exist so bad and many of my friends think it would be Bad@$$. But alas, none of use know how to do it. you can take all the credit for the idea if you want, i just want to see it given life.

Well I can specifically remember something like this with Morrowind.(A helmet that in First Person looked like you had a helmet on.) Except without the readouts. There is no doubt that it is possible It just is extremely hard to create as such I don't thing anyone would want to make such a thing.. Just my 2 cents,

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I agree, it would be totally awesome. I'm not much of a Star Wars game fan, but I remember in Republic Commando it was cool that you had the impression of actually wearing a high-tech helmet, especially with the viser wiper and other details.


It seems to me that it shouldn't be too hard to integrate a VATS-type overlay in realtime, but the trouble would probably be highlighting all visible targets instead of one at a time. And I'm sure you know night vision has been done and it wouldn't take much to bind it to a key. Tinting the visor with night vision off is a simple matter as well.


The only things I see a problem with are the actual texture of the helmet and the sweep animation you mentioned. You would need a mesh for the mask like the scope reticles and then script it to be overlayed on equip.



I think it would also be cool to throw in:


A radar display in one corner styled after the WWII PPI-scopes;



A bearing ring in the top center of the display (a compass, but with markings in tens of degrees instead of the vague North, South, etc) and with an incorporated A-scope type radar showing peaks on the bearing of targets (replacing the colored bars representing actors on the compass and deleting destination markers);




and maybe elevation scales alongside the reticle.





As you can probably tell, I'm a fan of needlessly complicated HUDs (think Terminator 2). Either way, though, I think most of what you mentioned is possible, and I don't see why it would be difficult to make. I'll experiment with the mask idea tonight.

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Ya i knew about the night vision glasses someone had modded before. As for the highlight all enemies at the same time problem, i suppose just highlighting the enemy closest to the middle of the screen would work just as well. It doesnt matter if there is one raider or 10 raiders, once you know the enemy is there you're in your own little combat mode (mentally i mean). I was thinking of it more as a warning system that a combat system that tracks everything.


As for the cool look inside your helmet, i don't think it would take that much effort really. the little gauges/readouts would already be at the bottom corners of the screen (I.E. health and weapon). All you need to do would be to add 'texture' or w/e its called so that the edges of the screen look like the inside of a helmet and the screen is green(changable color options are important on this site it seems) and has a grid look to it so it doesnt seem like your looking through a newly cleaned glass window. The little moving vertical line isnt really that important, i just thought it would give the feeling that the suit is actually doing something. Like it is always looking for threats and whatnot


I figured this mod (or at least the inside of the helmet look) + that mod that changes powersuit walk sound would make it feel like your actually in a nuclear powered metal death suit of kick@ssity.

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Should also be able to target and zoom in on same with this ... I mean we are headed that way now with some of the stuff in DARPA at the moment ... why need a scope if have a power armor helmet. Or could have a separate attachment to give capability to anyone.
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Take a look at this. I think this is a slick idea if it could be implimented.

not quite what i was thinking but still pretty cool. when i said a green filter i didnt mean extreme watered down green tea color though.


If the color was that light after a while of looking at it the player would get uncomfortable. It can even cause headaches much quicker than normal (the effects of vertigo in a sense) and increase the feeling of frustration. That's one of the reasons most games use a lot of powerful colors and there is such a distinction between colors in their games (fallout has them too if you know how to look at it).


As for the other parts of the video, it looks fine to me. although on the sides there should be the actual sides of the helmet.


(P.S.---Now that i think about it, a filter that is always on might actually be a bad idea. how about the filter only comes on when night vision is activated?)

(P.P.S.--- i just discovered the mod request forumn. moderators, please forgive my stupidity and insolence for puting this topic here instead of there!)

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(P.S.---Now that i think about it, a filter that is always on might actually be a bad idea. how about the filter only comes on when night vision is activated?)


That's what I have right now. Although it would be kinda nice to have the faintest of filters on when night vision is off, just to give the impression of looking through a lens.


It would also be nice if we could get the scan lines present in the night vision of games like Crysis, but have that effect continuosly. It's not very fitting in games like Crysis that are supposed to be super high-tech, but would be rather fitting for the advanced, but old-school tech of Fallout.


Oh, and does anyone know how to script a secondary reticle that moves around the screen (like in the youtube vid)? You could use something like that to highlight the nearest hostile or something.


Off topic: That vid shows exactly what the T-51b should have looked like in FO3!

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Heres some screenshot mockups I made back when I was in my 3d Game Design program.


I proposed basically the same idea, except in-helmet HUD items would be blurred with an active depth-of-field, however still visible at the sides with perhepheral(sp) vision.

If you were to 'press pause' or 'go into your menu' it would bring the in-helmet display into focus, but blur out the world around you.


You could technically play still with the HUD blurred, it would just be more or less read with the corners of your eyes anyways, and only ever really critical to read if you were injured and bodyparts were flashing red, etc.


No HUD at all (classic mode):



Helmet HUDs enabled (Hud Not in focus):



Helmet HUDs enabled (Hud in focus):




Different environment showing the effects of a non-supported weapon on the Suit/Helmet's Hud. (ie. An Oblivion sword is not sensor-supported by the Suit's computer, so it comes up as 'N/A' because it has no weapon data) Also notice temperature changes are read out in real time as are headings.




Finally, the left and right bumper buttons (on a game controller) (or left and right shift buttons perhaps (or just clickable with the mouse)) would activate the inventory and status management screens which would give readouts of your Suit and your vitals as they were read by the suit in real time)





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