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Vsync problems.


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Using ipresentinterval causes my framerate to be lower and more irratic Turning it off sort that problem out however the tearing on fallout 3 isnt that good for my screen.


I tried to use the normal nvidia vsync or the ingame vsync but it doesnt work.


Any ideas?

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dmxdex2020 - Hello!


Setting iPresentInterval=0 turns off Vsync in Fallout 3 which can gain some FPS but usually at the cost of tearing as you found.


I leave on the game's Vsync but activate Triple Buffering in Catalyst Control Center as my card has good size memory, it makes up for the Vsync.


I would imagine your Nvidia has a Triple Buffering option too.


These settings are discussed in more detail here:




"Using ipresentinterval causes my framerate to be lower and more irratic"

I note the irratic part there, do you mean your game sort of slows or speed up like a messed up film in places?


That could be micro stutter, I get that with my quad core. I fixed it by using the excellent Stutter Remover:




I use the older FSR_4-0-7 version.


You can tweak the .ini that comes with it to set the FPS to what suits you. You may need to try a few FPS variations before you get it just right or you may find the default works for you straight off.


That smooths the game right out nicely & as I say I still use the games default Vsync.


Hope this helps!



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Setting iPresentInterval=0 turns off Vsync in Fallout 3 which can gain some FPS but usually at the cost of tearing as you found.

This is a common mistake. While this is an option in other game engines to increase FPS at the expense of screen-tearing, it's a very bad idea with Gamebryo. The engine literally updates at your graphics framerate, which is why FPS should always be capped, and disabling v-sync causes other wierdness and timing issues.

Edited by luthienanarion
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dmxdex2020 - Hello!


Setting iPresentInterval=0 turns off Vsync in Fallout 3 which can gain some FPS but usually at the cost of tearing as you found.


I leave on the game's Vsync but activate Triple Buffering in Catalyst Control Center as my card has good size memory, it makes up for the Vsync.


I would imagine your Nvidia has a Triple Buffering option too.


These settings are discussed in more detail here:




"Using ipresentinterval causes my framerate to be lower and more irratic"


I note the irratic part there, do you mean your game sort of slows or speed up like a messed up film in places?


That could be micro stutter, I get that with my quad core. I fixed it by using the excellent Stutter Remover:




I use the older FSR_4-0-7 version.


You can tweak the .ini that comes with it to set the FPS to what suits you. You may need to try a few FPS variations before you get it just right or you may find the default works for you straight off.


That smooths the game right out nicely & as I say I still use the games default Vsync.


Hope this helps!






Why are you using the older version instead of the newer?

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dmxdex2020 - Hello!

"Why are you using the older version instead of the newer?"

I've used the older version before the update came out without any problems & I've never been compelled to update. If it aint broke... etc. :)

I've nothing against the update, it's just that I've never used it much whereas I've run with the 4.0.7 version for a long time & can thoroughly recommend that one.

As to Vsync, as I said above, I leave it on to prevent the tearing & use Triple Buffering.

The Stutter Remover fixes the micro stutter & runs the game smoothly.


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