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Flying Mod - Can't attack in 3rd person


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Using this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13905?tab=bugs


I can't swing weapons or cast spells while in 3rd person. I can in 1st person. However in 1st person I'm in a walking animation and can hear my own footsteps despite being in the sky.


If I sheath my weapon while flying, it doesn't sheath despite going through the animation for it. Then I'm 'standing' on air. I can attack but only standing in place. If I move, i start to fly again and can't attack anymore.


I followed the steps. I installed SKSE, I used FNIS. I installed the Overhaul part too just in case that was the issue. I even did a full uninstall and did it all with only this mod. It still doesn't work properly.


I'm at a loss.

Edited by Kinger556
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