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follower mod issues, not the usual problem :)


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Hi all,


Im not a modder by any means but I do love to use the ones you all create. I lost a follower ( a mod I loaded about a month ago) and I did everything to try and get him back. I finally ended up using the set playerfollowercount to 0 and uninstalled and reinstalled him. And I can find him again in his starting location but I can't get him or any other follower in game to actually follow me. They all offer me the option to follow but when I choose it, they say "Ok lead on" and then just sit there. I've tried it with the Mod I use (Nikolai) and just vanilla follower npc's, no luck.


Is there another command that Im supposed to use to enable the followers again after using the set playerfollowercount to 0 command?


Help please!!! Thanks in advance.


Oh and I've even gone back to a load from a week ago and since I uninstalled and reinstalled the follower mod, he's not there even then, which is really strange. I hate to lose a weeks worth of game time,so hopefully your options don't include using that :)

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