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NPC won't use its dialogue from geck


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Good day everyone.

I am working on a mod for TTW and trying to make an Auto-talking NPC

I got everything right except two major issues


First The NPC won't say its dialogue from the quest no matter what I do and always says something generic

(in this case "sorry but I`m not at liberty to talk right now" and the NPC is a robobrain

Here is what I did:

Topic Condition is set to GetIsId and the npc ID

NPC is friendly to the player and has its own voice type ( which only made it worse because now no dialogue appears)


I looked all over the internet and did Seddon4494's last tutorial on the issue and still the same problem


the second problem is that the NPC won't start its sandbox package after finishing the dialogue package even with a script that makes it do just that


thanks in advance



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UPDATE: The issue was really stupid and small but if anyone encounters the same issue in the future

It was the GAME START ENABLED option

I did not have anything that starts the quest and did NOT have this ticks so the npc Wouldn't get dialouges from it because it is NOT enabled


I leave it to the moderators of the site to remove or keep this post whatever they see fit.

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I did not have anything that starts the quest and did NOT have this ticks so the npc Wouldn't get dialogues from it because it is NOT enabled

Is there a question here? (The OP was reporting WHY their dialog was not getting used: lack of a quest being started, and failure to enable ("tick") dialog options for the NPC.)



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