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Crashing upon launching.


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ClimatesOfTamriel-Interiors-Warm.esp Active


* Incompatible with: Realistic Lighting Overhaul--I think you need to address this.


Also, you have a bunch of mods unrecognized by BOSS, you need to manually place them properly, if you have not already. I would double check those in particular to make sure you have all that the mod author requires and that they are compatible with your other mods, since that won't show up on the BOSS log for unrecognized mods.


Edit: Just had a nother thought--are you starting a new game with all this, or are you adding mods to a game you've been playing a while? If it's a new game, I'd exit Helgen before adding anything, mod-wise.

I've been gradually adding mods to my current game. I've been having stability issues for a while, but never anything quite this bad.

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