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[LE] Recruiting Modders for Project


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I'm recruiting modders for a project.

The pitch is this mod will be based off of 'warrior wizard' as a spell casting medium.

For those unfamiliar with the mod, it basically lets you assign a spell to be cast off an action: right light attack, left right attack, block, block bash, bow attack, & power attacks, with a key to toggle it on and off, and with keys 1-5 for separate setups while toggled. It creates a good flowing method of spell casting which serves as a great base for my mod. The second mod it requires as a base is enemy [r]evolution in order to add spells from various packs to enemies based on the player's level. Lastly, a random encounter mod with highly customizable settings to keep the overland interesting and more challenging.

My mod introduces class kits with backstories but more importantly different kit-specific spells (akin to, but derived from MMOs)

For example, my first kit dubbed 'The Deserter' has a Spell which has a random chance of generating one of four stances: and each stance has a seperate separate rotation to maintain a damage buff i.e. (Right Attack, Left Attack, Power Attack, Bash) in 4 different orders depending on which stance you get.

The stance lasts for a duration and then the player must recast the stance generating spell to get their next random stance in which they must attack in a certain sequence to maintain a buff. Of course, if you lose the buff, you merely need to start the sequence over to restore it. The premise being, one's ability to maintain the correct attack sequence determines a large portion of their damage output.

The second main catch of the kit is that when below 50% health, the player must choose 1 of 3 buffs where 1 will surely be more appropriate for the others in different contexts: damage reduction, attack speed, and stamina regeneration (stamina is an important resource now).

Lastly, the kit comes with other skills which vary from a high damage attack to enemies below X% Health, a Bleed DoT which the player must keep track of to maximize damage output, and more to come (utility abilities: perhaps a 10 yard backstep with a cooldown, a javelin toss which snares an enemy in place for a duration allowing the player to fight less enemies at once with good positioning and timing).

The idea is that each kit should be complex enough to stay interesting, have a high skill ceiling to encourage learning to improve, and feel much more fun to fight with than the base game.

But my aim is to go beyond merely developing fun to play 'classes' and to tailor the player's experience to dense combat encounters scaling with player level, a new (more open-ended) questline to give the player some direction instead of the original game's tired, old main quest. Lastly, for now, a revamped perk system to compliment said kits.

Anyone interested in helping out, please feel free to leave contact info.

Edited by Joshlaryeth
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