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Another Bug W/Miraak


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I am having an issue with Miraak not dying like he should. I fly to him and start combat. I get him down and he absorbs a dragon but it doesn't fill his life enough so he stays etheral. So I get another dragon to land using Dragonrend and I kill it and he absorbs that soul and continues. I knock him down again and he does his routine but still doesn't get enough from the dragon. Being out of dragons I use the console to call in another and I kill it and Miraak absorbs the soul and starts fighting. However, he won't die. I can get his life down to a sliver and still he won't go down as if he has god mode on. I have tried everything. I used BOSS to make sure my mods are in order. I even went and diasbled every mod and it still doesn't fix this glich. Any ideas?

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I know you posted this a few days ago, and you may or may not have discovered a fix, but I just encountered the same issue. When he went ethereal after killing and absorbing all the dragon souls, he just stood still in the center of the area. I managed to 'fix' it by hiding behind a pillar and remaining undetected. I'm still not sure exactly what happened - I left the room for a few minutes, and when I came back, the quest was completed and I could return to Solstheim. I could still talk to Miraak, and I tried attacking him. He had a full health bar, but it didn't do anything when it went down to 0. If you try this method, though, be warned that there's apparently a very, very annoying consequence. Combat music, for me at least, is now stuck in a loop. I'm guessing it's all glitched up because I didn't finish the fight with Miraak correctly, because I couldn't, because he's buggy as can be. Currently looking for a fix.

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