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Reaction Fire


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Is there any way to make your units pull reaction fire in a 'one at a time' fashion so they don't all burn their shots on a single target (and half of them just fired at the dust cloud where that Thin Man *was* standing), using, say, proximity [after suppression] to determine who fires first?

Edited by SeraphicLaw
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Reaction range in the .ini file can be modified so different weapons 'react' at different distance. But anyone just dropping in very close to all your men will trigger them all.

They're all currently set to -1, so as soon as they're seen they react.

Edited by Yzaxtol
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Yeah, but editing that would just make reaction fire less effective since units wouldn't move to engage some things despite being able to see them - I'm not looking to limit reaction fire, just make is so a single 'chaff' enemy doesnt burn every shot the team has. I suppose this could be considered a tactical thing, but it just seems silly to have my sniper do his 'slow motion shot' at a target that isn't even there anymore.

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