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Rideable Durnehviir mod makes him invisible


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So, I was working on making Durnehviir rideable by the player with the Bend Will shout. I removed from the shout's data something that would make dragons that shouldn't have their souls absorbed (such as durnehviir) unrideable.


The shout works perfectly on Durny, but when you order him to attack something, he says it's impossible. I guessed it was because he never had any AI Data that would make such actions possible (ordering him to attack while riding him).


Curiously, you can mount him, dismount him and order him to fast travel with no problems. So, I changed his ActorBase to that of some Legendary Dragon and checked the boxes that said "use traits", "use AI data", "use AI packages", "use Def package list" and "use attack data".


He essentially became a Legendary Dragon named Durnehviir (that could still be summoned and would speak what durny says when summoned), and now he could be ordered to attack if you were riding him.


I unchecked the "use traits" box while editing him and changed his skin to "SkinDragonUndead" (his default skin), but became invisible! I cannot give him his original skin anymore without making him invisible. You can still ride him and order him to attack, but you cannot see him.


Is there any way I can make durnehviir have his original skin AND be able to attack while you ride him?

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