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From x to static?


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What basically want to do is the take the underskin.nif (Dragon skeleton) import it to 3ds max pose it and export it to skyrim, i know how to import and export, but what i do not know is how to pose it or if i need to import skeleton as well and collision meshes, cana nyone help me out with this?


Is there a way to make a ragdoll completly static or frozen inside the CK? because i cant find a way to make it so. Thanks ffor help :)

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Probably going to need to do a search for max tutorials on posing an object with a skeleton, then after you get it posed and froze in place you could detach it from the bones, delete the bones and convert to editable mesh so it loses the skin info. after that you would have a static object that needs collision boxes added. Theres millions of tutorials on the subject, so google for the version of max you have.

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Probably going to need to do a search for max tutorials on posing an object with a skeleton, then after you get it posed and froze in place you could detach it from the bones, delete the bones and convert to editable mesh so it loses the skin info. after that you would have a static object that needs collision boxes added. Theres millions of tutorials on the subject, so google for the version of max you have.


Thanks a lot for the answer, another question btw, i fi change the mesh pose, do i have to change anything at all to the textures? or i can just use the original ones?

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The UVW map will remain the same. If the texture gets stretched out and noticeable then you will need to adjust the UVW. Think of it this way, the NPC's and player are in a half T pose mesh wise. ingame there arms and legs are moving around in different directions. same thing happens in max when you move the bones to test rigging or pose.

Edited by jet4571
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Okay so did the following:

imported mesh along with skeleton to 3ds max
posed the mesh in a way that i like it
Deleted the skeleton just leaving the modified mesh in scene
exported the mesh
Opened the new mesh in nifskope along with the original one and copy paste the BSLightingShaderProperty and saved

but when i try to open it in CK, it tells me something like MODEL: Could not find model meshes -PATH-, what am i doing wrong? :S

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