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NEW !!! Power armor !!!


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I think fook is a good Idea....just needs the bugs squashed.

You make that plenty obvious with your trawling the forums trying to get every modder making something cool to make it for FOOK. Some of us like to tailor our games our way, bit by bit, and shouldn't have to download a mega mod full of allot of stuff we don't want for some stuff we do want.

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FOOK is a good idea, but it has no quality control.


Some of the weapons and armour in that mod look God awful, while others look stunning. It kills immersion. Better to do it yourself until a similar mod comes out with better QC.


I'm also glad you are releasing it separately.

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I respect your opinion and in mine I'd rather make a few sacrifices on "imersion" for fun...that's what I bought it for and I like FOOK. I'd rather him tailor one to fook but if dose'nt wish to then that's HIS decsion. Not mine. And If you like finding conflicts and CTD's all the time well....be my guest. I think it's great when ALL of the modders come together and pool their work.


And who knows...maybe they'll do your hat.

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I would think making a mod around another mod for a game makes the possibility of problems double than if you just normally make the mod for the game. Also, for me FOOK just has too much crap I really don't need/want or can just live without. That and it takes up too much space >_> I need a bigger harddrive.
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Your right in some respects....but to go in and edit over 1500 leveled list's for someone else's enjoyment...without getting paid for it. I can respect that. But hey If you don't like it you don't like it.




I agree with the quality control...but sometimes ya gotta choose. And personaly I hate the new weapon sounds.


But there is nothing like running into a enclave patrol and going "what did he just kill me with...I've never seen that gun before....hmm..." And that's why I enjoy it.

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I respect your opinion and in mine I'd rather make a few sacrifices on "imersion" for fun...that's what I bought it for and I like FOOK. I'd rather him tailor one to fook but if dose'nt wish to then that's HIS decsion. Not mine. And If you like finding conflicts and CTD's all the time well....be my guest. I think it's great when ALL of the modders come together and pool their work.


And who knows...maybe they'll do your hat.

Let's first set this straight, I have no problem with FOOK existing, because there is obviously people like yourself who want what it has to offer. My problem is also not that compatible versions of things get made for FOOK. My problem is when many assets are solely created for mega mods like FOOK, leaving people who don't want to use FOOK out in the rain.


In regards to flickone's power armour: I've been following his progress with it since page one, and would hate to have to download FOOK just to hack it apart to use the armour in my version of Fallout 3. And I know there are people out there who also don't want to use FOOK but don't have the same mod disassembler skills that I do, who would really be the ones left out in the cold if the armour could only be gotten with FOOK.

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I agree 100 % with TheOutlander on this. I have seen a great many Oblivion weapons and armor that where very well made but it only comes with a big pack that has other stuff I don't want. I have gotten a few big packs for Oblivion but I only got them because the quality was consistently good.
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Hey I'm not saying you HAVE to get fook. I can agree with what your saying about not wanting a 200 mb download for in reality and what you will use equals about....30 mb. It's a waste of time for you and for your bandwith. I like a compliation myself cause it add's a lot without me having to go and individualy add everything and make it to where it won't conflict/CTD.


I really dig Hal9000 new gun but I have to worry about it conflicting somewhere in the cavernous depths of FOOK Whereas you don't have that problem. I guess we're both at a "I'll defend your right to say what you like, But I won't like what you say" point.


And I'm not trying to "trawl" If I see something I think would be cool in fook I ask. It's up to the individual if they want to honor my request or not. I don't want someone to think I'm trying to bully them into somthing they don't want to do.


And if flicktone does or does not make a fook version I'm still gonna download his helm cause it ROCKS!



@flictone Sorry for theadjacking on this one. Can't pass up a good debate.

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Hmm...I agree with both arguments. Flick, I know it'd be extra work, but I think the fans would be willing to wait longer if you give them hope that you'll release a version that is not reliant on fook. I like the fook, and hey I can even mix new mods with fook, and I say screw the balancing. For instance, when weijiesen finishes his tesla 51b retex which includes a quest as a unique item, I'm gonna download it and slap it in even with fook on. Why? cause it looks so darn cool, that's why :)

However, I must admit the most recent Fook 1.5 version included your helmet. When the armor is released it'd be nice to have it and the helmet separate with it' own quest, but if you decide to slap it in fook, Heck, I'll re download newest fook version for it. Thanks for all your hard work, and keep up the good work. Most people comment but not everyone can contribute, so the best thing I can give you is my gratitude. =)

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