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Get the Skeleton Key trough delivery *spoiler*


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I was thinking, I really want the skeleton key (mainly for displaying reasons), but I also want the nightingale powers. Since I can't have both, I thought of something!


Rather then installing a mod that lets you create the key through smithing or placing a chest in the Twiligh Sepulcher, I thought of something else.


Is it possible that, after the quest Darkness Returns, a courier visits you with a letter from Karliah or so, telling you that you are the only one who can keep the skeleton key safe.


Long story short, she sends you the skeleton key through mail.


I don't know if it's possible, that's why I'm asking :)


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It is possible.

"Long story short, she sends you the skeleton key through mail."
"you are the only one who can keep the skeleton key safe."
I see minor hilarity in here :biggrin:

but I can see your point, Nocturnal must be really pissed off already when people steal her stuff, (Cowl, key x2), so it sounds like it would be in better safe when it's guarded by Dragonborn than in her personal locker of some sort. (Which is not too hard to crack open, considering the fact how often she has lost some precious stuff)

So aye, I'd hope for a mod like this.
And also, maybe make it so that the key is not quest item anymore, so you could actually put it on display.

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