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CaliberX patch for PN. NVEC, FOOK and CFWNV: Anyone interested


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Hi all.


So I've been fiddling with FNVedit today and I've decided to make a standalone patch for CaliberX and the said mods, which would be great for anyone using them. It however does not require them!! It is a standalone patch and fully mergeable with Wrye Flash or FNVplugin.


The reason why I set out to do this is becasue CaliberX tends to stuff up the bashed patch when you have it selected in the bash menu by making all it's records override everything elses and either way requires manual patching. I have designed the patch to merged with Wrye Flash seamlessly to the bashed patch, cleaning all the conflicts between all the mods, but not actually require any of the mods. I will make a log of all the individual overrides but in short here's a few things done: Leveled lists corrected, ammunition names from CaliberX now get imported correctly without making a mess of the bash patch but NOT changing unique names given by NVEC, PN and FOOK (only a few of these edits apply anyway), ammunition models corrected to use CaliberX high quality models but NOT override any from NVEC, PN and FOOK, animations and muzzle flash effects to use CaliberX in most cases however some are left for NVEC, PN and FOOK where necessary, containers now have the loot merge properly into the bashed path, etc etc etc etc XD


So in short it's a patch designed to have at the bottom of your LO and merge to the patch seamlessly so you don't ever have to worry about conflicts with the said mods :). Works well for me but I have only 50% patched it so far.


Let me know if y'all think this is a good idea and if you'd be keen on it :)

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  • 3 years later...

I'd like to see such a patch. While you are at it, could you make the CaliberX ammo names unique as well, but the same both in the inventory and in the recipes? It's a real pain to distinguish between rounds in recipes by the number of grains of lead or powder when crafting, but then have no idea which round it was without having to create a list to match it to the name in the inventory.


The .50 cal rounds in particular come to mind.



Edited by dubiousintent
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CaliberX is all scripted, to add calibers you activate them via script and it's seamless and needs no bashing if it's done how it was designed to be. The mod is using both lutana and jipnvse in addition to nvse so there is a full set of script commands to change everything for weapons and lists that should need to be.


Since it's a modders resource I left the ITM's for easy lookup of the leveled lists for modders, they are harmless and can be safely removed if you want.


The ammo records and recipes are altered for a reason and supercede any other mods. You can off course change them how you like, but it's not recommended for a variety of reasons. The prefixes on rounds are there for sorting purposes in the pipboy. The recipes were altered so they are equal in creation and breakdown, as well as use the ammo bench exclusively and require skills and perks which are related to their types.


For mods like CFW and PN you can disable their built in cartridges and recipes and use CaliberX's *if you want*, otherwise you can leave them alone. However CaliberX has more types for certain weapons like 2mmEC and the RPG. Merging lists results in duplicate rounds which cannot be broken down via recipe.


Keep in mind you can't change ammo lists themselves via script or you'll get a hang on the main menu if a weapon using them is hotkeyed.


here's an example for Millenia's OTs-33 Pernach

scn MOTS33LeveledListQuestScript

int iIndex
ref rRef

Begin GameMode

	if GetGameRestarted
												; changed to modern functions so mod can be removed
												; must be done every game load
		LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponsGunsTier3 CondMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsGunsTier3 ModNVMOTS33Sup 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsGunsTier3 ModNVMOTS33Ext 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm VendorWeaponModsGunsTier3 ModNVMOTS33Stk 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm GunRunnerStoreTier3 CondMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm 188NCRArmsMerchantMods ModNVMOTS33Sup 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm 188NCRArmsMerchantMods ModNVMOTS33Ext 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm 188NCRArmsMerchantMods ModNVMOTS33Stk 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm LL2Tier3GunsLegionPrime WithAmmoMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm LL2Tier2GunsLegionVeteran WithAmmoMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm LL2WastelanderVipersWeaponNV WithAmmoMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm Fiend2WeaponGunNV WithAmmoMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm Fiend3WeaponGunNV WithAmmoMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm LL2Tier2GunsPowderGanger WithAmmoMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm LL2WastelanderJackalsWeaponNV WithAmmoMOTS33Loot 1 1 1
		ListAddForm TheProfessionalWeaponsList WeapMOTS33
		ListAddForm NVImprovedHoldoutWeapons WeapMOTS33
		ListAddForm WeaponMachinegunLIST WeapMOTS33
		ListAddForm NVAllWeapons WeapMOTS33
		ListAddForm WeaponListRangedALL WeapMOTS33
												; remove old ammo
		LeveledListRemoveForm WithAmmoMOTS33Loot Ammo9mm
		LeveledListRemoveForm WithAmmoMOTS33Loot Ammo9mm75
												; add new ammo
		LeveledListAddForm WithAmmoMOTS33Loot Ammo9x18mmMakarov 1 1 1
		LeveledListAddForm WithAmmoMOTS33Loot Ammo9x18mmMakarov75 1 18 1

		WeapMOTS33.SetWeaponAmmo AmmoList9x18mmMakarov					; set ammo list									
;		WeapMOTS33.SetWeaponProjectile Projectile9x18MakarovPistolBullet		; set projectile if one is available

		set iIndex to GetModIndex "Pernach.esp"						; replace the 9mm Ammo in Doc Mitchell's with 9x18Makarov
		set rRef to BuildRef iIndex 2801
		rRef.SetBaseForm Ammo9x18mmMakarov
												; Activate the 9x18mm Makarov
		set CaliberActivateQuest.iActivateCaliber to 1
		set CaliberActivateQuest.iActivateCaliber9x18mmMakarov to 1


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