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removing 'magic clothes' effects


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Is anyone else annoyed how costumes have these implausible effects when you wear them? Like a doctor's smock suddenly fills your head with medical knowledge, or a lab coat makes you more 'science-y'. Dress like a repairman and you don't become a repairman (though you can play one at bachelorette parties.) I can sort of understand gaining stealth in armor designed for it, but it should really be the other way around -- you lose stealth by wearing armor not designed to facilitate it. I can see the technological basis for armor with powered movement assist granting more strength, but there's no justification for the rest of it. It seems Bethesda just couldn't give up the fantasy design habits while creating a gritty sci-fi.


As contrived as it is, many are probably spoiled by the benefits, so I don't know how much support there is for this idea, but I'd do it to improve my own experience with the game. My concern is that it'll make a mod incompatible with any other that introduces script effects (maybe even legitimately explained effects, and not mystical monty-haul handouts...)

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I think the general justification is that the repairman outfit makes things easier cause of various tools being easily accessible or some such thing, or a doctor's smock making it easier to get down and dirty without ruining your clothes or risk of infection, while science garb has similarities to repairman.


in some ways it promotes the player to wear the attire to fit the role, not really forced RPing but more giving a gentle nudge or in game practical incentive to "look the part".


it likely is indeed a leftover thing from the old fantasy stuff, heck, they are even refer to in the geck as "enchantments" though that's more of a matter of the fact that fallout 3 uses the same engine as oblivion.

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When you look at it this way, the power helmet should add preception, as it seems to be built with many things to aid in spotting enemy, sound amplifiers, night vision, thermal, zoom.

Maybe even added small arms, as it would have targeting computers to tell you wind speed, distance, and bullet fall.


The armor, well strength is expected, and rad resist if built with a lead lining, small arms cause it is power armor and the gun would be more stable in you're hands, big guns, cause of the extra strength and the fact the suit would be programed to react and compensate to the kick back of the larger weapons, making them more accurate.


That's how I see it.

But there is no way we can tell exactly what is built into it, there is no real world example after all, and anything close to it is years off here in the good old real world.

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When you look at it this way, the power helmet should add preception, as it seems to be built with many things to aid in spotting enemy, sound amplifiers, night vision, thermal, zoom.

Maybe even added small arms, as it would have targeting computers to tell you wind speed, distance, and bullet fall.

Agreed, that's what I meant by having some technological grounds for the enhancements. All of those would explain some attribute boosts just as well as the damage reduction. The Power Armors do meet sci-fi realism, especially in the Fallout Universe.


But most of these clothes with added 'enchants' are on clothes that just don't justify them. (And yes, they're still called 'enchants' in the TESCS:FO, or 'G.E.C.K.' as they call it.) There are jumpsuits that give you Speech and Unarmed and Melee powers, summer dresses that give Agility, and Riley's Rangers armor, much as I love it, Action Points or Gun skill.


Maybe a little boost to Luck or Charisma I could swallow, because Luck is something impossible to pin down in any technological sense, and anything could be considered a lucky charm, and anything that looks attractive and gives the wearer confidence could be said to have Charisma. A lot of this is just extraneous...hockey masks that give unarmed and Vance's trenchcoat gives perception?


But if were going to strip these out, they'd have to be replaced with something, because often they do serve the purpose of rewarding the player for a tough quest or getting them prepared for bigger challenges yet to come (seriously, I couldn't just take out potentially good loot and leave nothing.) But it should be more technology and weird retro science, more toys to build from scrap, more chems that last longer. And it looks like you could use the crafting system to add modifications to existing weapons, to upgrade them. And Power Armors are cool but don't suit every build; though maybe you can adapt parts for the stealth types, diplomat types, ubernerds, etc.

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Well this is, after all a game, and in games you have items that to certain things, why do clothes give you added ability? for the same reason that items in any rpg give you special or improved abilities, magic armor, special items, etc. if you dont like then just dont use them, do you really need a mod for that?
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Well this is, after all a game, and in games you have items that to certain things, why do clothes give you added ability? for the same reason that items in any rpg give you special or improved abilities, magic armor, special items, etc. if you dont like then just dont use them, do you really need a mod for that?


You do realize that every other fallout game to date hasn't had "enchants", with the sole exception that power armor, being a powered robot suit, boosts your strength.

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Agreed, but that wasn't enchants and no one would mistake technology for that, not from the design stage to the fanbase. But Bethesda is just coming in and theme-parking it papering over the same old poo with different clothes, and the more I see of the underlying design, the more it shows. I happen to like the TES, but for very different reasons than I love the Fallout series, and homogenize them like this is not good for either series.


And that's just not a very satisfying excuse, DE.

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Well the thing is this isnt exactly a true to life fallout sequel, its more fallout-eque and it really is its own game so you have to accept it as such, plus the whole world is bathed in radiation so i can see where they figured that different things may have different effects, i mean there is some element of fantasy here obviously and much like other games anythings plausible.


Honestly i like clothing having some effects, it would be just wasteland garbage otherwise anyways, and its not possible to level up each skill and that can limit some aspects of the game, so atleast with these things you get a very small bonus that will alow you to get into the game a little more in depth.


I mean, its not like you got +50 from the lab coat, you get +10 which is just enough of a nudge to allow you to say break itno a computer hat requires 50 science but you only have 40, it still wont let you go into the 75 or 100's but it open just a little bit of a window for you.


I personally thing its quite nicely etched out in that regard, and i mean if you dont like the stuff then just dont use it, its not like its a multiplayer game and even if it were these things dont give you enough of a bonus to give you any real added edge anyways.

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There is something called the G.E.C.K., so no, I really don't have to accept anything I have the will to rework. The sad truth is that it's not even it's own game, it was an original gameplay setting and feel with excellent story and characters, turned into a half-baked Oblivion clone done by a company who's storytelling and game quality on their own franchise has been declining.


The idea of clothing having effects when the very meaning of 'wasteland' is that it's full of garbage is pretty silly. Yes, your clothes should be wasteland garbage, but you can manage to pull something of value out of garbage.


Now I'm not suggesting making an overhaul without balancing what never should have been removed with something much nearer to the spirit of the Fallout setting. But it's not going to be a sugarplum fantasyland where your wasteland trash is supposed to make you feel special.

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