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Early access to Soul cairn and forgotten vale


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l would love a mod that gave a way to go to the Soul cairn and forgotten vale without needing to do the dawnguard questline. l am fine with almost anything, from a teleport spell added to the players inventory to a small quest to go there early, or even a mod to start the game in the soul cairn or vale with LAL. As long as l can avoid the longish questline to get there l don't care.



(for those who want to know, l have a mod that adds usefull items to those locations, but 8 times out of 10, l dont want to even start the dawnguard questline, let alone finish it.)


if you want to make a immersive way in, maybe for the soul cairn, you can get access to it by going thru the balcony, find the ingrediants, plus a vile of her blood. and for the vale, idk maybe have a different cave give access or add a map marker?

Edited by skyrimlover1212
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