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Kissing my Wife


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What's the point in getting married if I'm not even allowed to kiss my spouse?

Ah, I see you discovered the wonders of PMS. ;D


And now serious mode, is this by any chance the thing you're looking for?

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I don't think there is one that's limited only to your spouse. :confused:


If I recall correctly, Amazing Follower Tweaks has a kissing animation for followers when you select the "Gimme some sugar" dialogue line or something like that. It's not a very good animation but if your wife is a follower you can kiss her (and only her if she's your only follower). My wife is a follower, not much use for getting married otherwise.

Edited by Werne
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  • 2 months later...

Isn't there any kind soul who would make this mod ? it's nice to have sex on Skyrim but still without the kissings it's kinda poor (and since I'mno fan of the steam workshop, is it possible to have it released here, on Nexus ?)

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Someone needs to make a toothbrush mod first.

Can I kindly ask how that can be an interesting mod ? :blink:



Sorry, it wasn't a serious post. It was a joke.


On a more serious note though, I'm sure it would be a good idea to get in contact with the person who made the kissing mod and ask if he'd implement it for spouses only.

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Yup, it'd be also nice to have it on Nexus so as to use it with NMM, I'm somehow useless when it comes to manual installations :confused:


I personally always use manual installations, so I know exactly what is overriding what. It's pretty simple. Most of the time it's a simple matter of drag and drop into your skyrim/data folder.

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