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Grass in New Worldspace


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Hi guys,


I've been working on a mod that adds a new worldspace, and came across a problem with the grass. Basically, I use mainly the field grass as the texture for the land (although this still happens with other grass), and when I turn grass on in the Creation Kit it shows up and works how it should, but whenever I go in game the grass in the new worldspace doesn't show up. I have made sure that I used the normal Field Grass and not the NoGrass version, and in Skyrim and other worldspaces such as Solstheim the grass shows up fine, and I was just asking to find out if anyone could tell me why this happens, and would be happy if I didn't have to change any files to get it to show up so people who download it wouldn't have to do this as well to see the grass.


Thanks in advance

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