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Mod Organizer basically useless at the moment


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I am having a severe issue with Mod organizer. I've been trying to get to work for hours and right now its completely useless. I have heard good things about this mod. And its also recommended to use with S.T.E.P. so i unistalled NMM and installed MO. Now I am beyond frustrated because while I can open MO I cannot utilize any of the tools consistently. I'll be able to click on a tab or button just fine for a few moments then all of the buttons become unresponsive when I click them nothing happens I can scroll over them and it shows me what the button does but I can't activate any of them. I don't have one mod installed because of this.


I am using Windows 7

I installed the MO folder in my Skyrim directory

I have Skyrim and MO installed in C:/Games not C:/Program files

I followed the settings in the S.T.E.P MO guide which are as follows


  1. Download the main file from Nexus mod page
    and install by just extracting to any folder (set up is easier if you
    place it inside the skyrim game directory), there is no windows
  2. (optional) Download the NCC optional file and extract it to the
    ModOrganizer directory. This will provide more convenient installation
    of archives intended for the Nexus Mod Manager. This does require you to
    have the .Net-Framework installed.
  3. Before you start MO, ensure you ran the game at least once to ensure all configuration files are available.
  4. Open "ModOrganiser.exe" and create a profile - type in a name, click create, check archive invalidation (1), click close
  5. (optional) Click "Settings", "Nexus" tab, then
    • Check "automatically log in" box and insert your nexus username and password
    • Check "Handle NXM Links" so that MO is used to download mods in your webbrowser rather than NMM
      • If have not previously installed NMM then there may be a bug that causes this not to work -- if this is the case, please start an issue!
    • Close Settings
  6. Now you can start installing mods


I have tried googling with no results and I've also tried asking in the Mod creators thread with no results. He simple hasn't responded to my question. So i am writing this to see if there is anyone out there who would be able to help me because I'm about to just trash this mod and go back to NMM because there seems to be absolutely no tech support.

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