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Dialog options not showing up after custom voice type...


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So, where to begin...


I'm moderately new to the CK, but have a basic understanding of it and modding in general


I recently downloaded a follower mod that uses a custom AI script (a custom healer) and I completely changed her appearance to match the role.

After the edit, her voice didn't fit the character at all. It was set to the FemaleYoungEager voice type. So, I created a new voice. I took all (and I mean ALL) of the voice lines (.fuz files) associated with the FemaleYoungEager voice type, unfuzed them, created a macro to batch edit the voice to my liking, and then refuzed them.


I then created a new voice type (named it FemaleYoungerEagerer because i think I'm funny). I added the voice type to the VoicesFollowerAll and VoicesFollowerNeutral Formlists.


I tested my voice by adding it to some NPCs that use the FemaleYoungEager voice type - namely Camilla Valerius at Riverwood Trader. It worked like a charm. Her voice lines were exactly what i wanted.


I then added my new voice type to my new custom AI follower and loaded the game. My follower was there, but for some reason the recruitment dialog option ("Follow me, blah blah) wasn't available. I tried saving and reloading - nothing. I tried starting a new game - nothing. I switched her voice back to the origional voice type, and boom. Everything works.


I cannon seem to figure out where the new voice type isn't being picked up. The character will actually use the voice (I have iNeed installed and the option "Can you spare some water?" prompts her to respond "Of course" in the correct voice type) but the dialog options are no longer available.


Does anyone have any insight into this? Could is be the custom AI script? I used the Celestine Healer Custom AI mod's script and it seems to be more aimed at combat. I can't find anything in it that defines the voicetype as a condition


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you

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New update:

Switching the voice type to another default one (FemaleEvenToned) shows the recruitment dialog. The problem seems to be with my voicetype and not the follower.


I feel like I'm missing a step in the voicetype creation process. I figured that adding my voice to the formlists needed would allow the same dialog as the original.


Again, the game calls my voicetype. The dialog that I can get out of my follower and also the scene in riverwood trader where they are discussing the stolen golden claw (my test with Camilla Valerius) both play appropriately in my custom voice. The problem is that setting my voice somehow doesn't allow dialog options. I looked at the conditions for those dialog options in the CK and I seem to have them fulfilled, but still no recruitment options.


Any tip at all would be amazing

Thank you!

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