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Papyrus Scripting Help Required - Thanks


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If I want to write a script that does the following;

  1. Checks to see if the player has completed the quest.
  2. If the above passes, adds the Faction "PotentialFollowerFaction" (rank 0) to the NPC using his Alias in the quest.

How would I do that? Something like;





if (GetOwningQuest.GetQuestCompleted == 1)

Alias_MyNPC.GetReference().AddFac(PotentialFollowerFaction, 0)






Obviously that doesn’t work, but am I on the right track?
Where have I gone wrong? etc, etc.

Thanks. :smile:



Edited by ChaChaLoco
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Also, as an aside, as he is a custom NPC with his own dialogue and his own story, etc, I'm looking for a way to make all the necessary follower dialogue for him so he can actually become a follower.

Just wanted to get this script out of the way first.
Is there any such way, or a guide perhaps?

Thanks again.

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On the Quest Stages tab of your quest, add a new property for the faction you want to add to the NPC. In the papyrus section of the last stage (the stage that completes the quest), write the following line of code:



For setting the rank, the funcion SetFactionRank() can be used:


Alias_MyNPC.GetActorRef().SetFactionRank(PotentialFollowerFaction, 0)


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