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Need some help with a script. Please Help


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So Im doing this mod where you run an ammo factory, you hire staff, and they work on manufacturing ammo. only problem is, Im not sure how to script, how to tell them (via terminal) what type of ammo to make.


Something like 1000rounds per game day, and each day that passes it stores up in a container. Can Someone Please Help.

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So I am using a Terminal to control the ammo. I have it currently when you select, 5.56 ammo,

AmmoBoxRef.additem ammo556 5000

This does work and puts the ammo in my container, but i need a way that it will do this over and over daily. any help would be appreciated

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You'll need additional scripts to make it happen daily.


One way I might do it would be to have a quest with a script that has some variables for global use. Things like a variable to hold an ammo type, an amount, a time, etc. Whatever you might want to have different for each ammo. You can always add stuff to it.


Then the terminal sets the amount variable in the quest to 5000, and the type variable to Ammo556mm. The syntax for that is

set VariableQuest.rAmmoType to Ammo556mm
set VariableQuest.iAmmoCount to 5000
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Thanks for the reply

but im not exactly sure how to script, like Every day produce that 5000 rounds of ammo. like what would i put to set the global varibles to Produce it everyday and to keep count of it. like day one total 5000, day two adds 5000 (overall total 10000) and so on. Ive been trying to look at tutorials and haven't found anything on it. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Edited by gunner9213
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