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CTD on loading saved game


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The save may rely on a mod that was removed. The game tries to load something that is no longer there - and it can't find it - CTD.


Some mods add things to the game that can cause problems if removed. Removing this kind of mod can cause a CTD either on load - or when you go into the specific cell where whatever it is was supposed to be. This will be more of a problem if you are loading into a cell that was changed after the save was made. Try earlier saves or saves in a different location.


Most don't do that though. Look at what mods you may have had running when that save was made as well as what you have running now.


As for SKSE, if the save was made while SKSE was active, and it is no longer active - I would expect it to CTD - make sure you start with SKSE. If the save was made without SKSE - then it shouldn't matter if you use SKSE or not.

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