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Durak stuck in Morthal with no animations


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So as the title says Durak is stuck in the center of Morthal and has no animations. He is in the same position I've seen in the creation kit when looking at NPCs and I don't know what to do. Now for extra info I recently started a new game and during which Durak attacked me suddenly for no reason ( I wasn't a vampire and didn't attack him) but I was forced to kill him since he wouldn't stop attacking and once he died I used the Clean up your Corpses mod to burn his body outside of Riverwood. Since then I haven't seen him until now. I've tried resurrecting him but it doesn't give him back his animations he is just stuck standing in the middle of town. Does anyone have any ideas? I don't want to go back just to redo the problem with him so that he doesn't die. I am RP and I take my time playing each day so for me it would take a long time to get back to where I am now. Is there maybe some way I can fix this with a console command or somehow use the creation kit? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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