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NPC mod adding tons of hair slots into Showracemenu?


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i'm using a couple facelift beauty type mods, and was crashing way more in Showracemeu then i used to, even in interiors. after testing a bunch i found that 3 of the mods add about 40+ hair slots each. so i have about 130+ more hair slots than i should and it's causing a mess. it's this mod...



anything i can do to fix them? thanks

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That mod was made by the NPC editor, what the editor does is allowed people to mod NPC's before the CK was released and it makes a copy of hair mods in the NPC's esp so the NPC can use the hair. If you remove the hair enties via tes5edit the npc's will then have a problem with hair until it is redone in the CK. So the author needs to use tes5edit to clean the mod of the hair packs, then redo the hairs for the NPC's in the CK.

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