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Not quite a grey-head on custom companion


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So, I went and created my own companion, using CK. Did everything, even the cntl-F4. The problem is my custom companion doesn't quite have the grey-head, but her head doesn't quite match her body. Is about two shades off, if she wears something that covers her body you don't really noticed it, bu if she wears bandit armor, or something that shows the neck seam area, its very noticable. I see no problems with any other companions downloaded from the site. Any suggestions are welcome.

Currently have the following mods

Bathing Beauties, classier bathing beauties, summerwear for BBLS

Underground Bathhouse

TERA armors for UNP

UNP body

Better females by bella

Better freckles

Apachii skyhair

R18Pn Diano armor

Lady of Death for UNP

A quality World Map

Cermonial mage dress for UNP

UNP base slave Leia Armor

Summer Wear V2

All in one UFF

Bri- a sexy companion

Sexy warrior Ria

Fabulous followers - 3 imperials and 5 britons

Migals Housecarls beauties

Yumi- follower mod


Any suggestions welcome.

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