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Assistance With A Custom Weapon Mod? :[


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Hey all, I'm pretty new to modding, modeling, and creating textures in general, so take it easy on me, haha. I know you guys are pretty great about answering questions, and there's some real modding pros on here so I thought I'd try my luck at the forums.

​I wanted to try and implement a custom gun into Fallout: New Vegas (just for fun / to see if I could) with the intention of adding some original, non-canon designs into the game.


Just for the purposes of my test, I decided to model something simple and without any moving parts, so I decided on a very blocky pistol from Tsutomu Nihei's "BIOMEGA" comic.


Here's some images of the model itself and source material: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/062/8/8/bas_x5500__fallout_nv_geck_help___by_zaeta_k-d5wwwvc.png


I've finished the model, textured it, all that fun stuff, but for the life of me I can't get it into the GECK. I've watched a couple tutorials about how to do this (merging a vanilla weapon with your own model to get animations right, saving as a .nif, etc), but I think I'm messing something up in the NIFskope part of the conversion. In addition, I can't get my textures to load up right in NIFskope either. I think it might have something to do with "normal maps" but I'm not sure how that works exactly; as far as I knew it was just a fancy lighting layer for a model or something.


Maybe I messed something up getting rid of the excess parts on the vanilla gun when I was merging the two? (I've tried the 12.7mm pistol and Plasma Defender models)

When I try to get my gun's model into the GECK, it just tells me "invalid directory."



I was hoping if I provided all the stuff I have so far, someone might be able to help me finish it up and show me what it was I was doing wrong? (bonus points for a video walkthrough or something). As additional incentive, I could offer a small amount of compensation for your efforts, be it monetary through Paypal or a sketch or something as I'm a bit artistically inclined!


Here's a link to a .zip of all my files: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/58115331/BAS%20X5500.zip




Thanks in advance you guys, I was having a lot of fun until I hit this major roadblock. :[

Edited by ZaetaK
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