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Custom staff (daedric like staff)


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its basically an ebony staff, with a black soul gem attached to the bottom, with a sigil stone attached to the top. i have a very basic drawing of what it looks like . If you'd be willing to make it a little more detailed, the black soul gem runs from the bottom of the staff (through the middle) to the top and creates a base on which the sigil stone sits, one more little detail would be adding daedric symbols along the staff that spell out "Nexus". if you do this thank you so much and please notify me! or email me at [email protected]


P.S. if you want a BG story on the staff let me know.

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  • 1 year later...

That drawing looks bad, I don't even know if somebody will be able to do that. + it looks simple.

Now I can give some suggestions, for the person that will make it and the person who is asking for it. You could use the handle from the Daedric Battle-Axe (or War-Axe, the one that is two-handed), so the long handle of that two-handed daedric axe and at the bottom put like a tiny bit smaller club or mace (of daedric origin, the one handed one), since you could use the top of the mace (four spikes) to hold the small sigil stone. bottom and the holding-handle (base of the staff - handle of the staff) is finished now to move onto the top of the staff. You could put two small versions of the small one-handed axe (only the blade of the top of the axe) on the top so they cross each other. And then on top of those you can put (another) smaller version of the daedric gauntlet (not the wearable, the one that is found under the college of winterhold to put those 5 rings on the right fingers of the gauntlet) which will hold: a sigil stone / a daedra heart / nothing / or something of your own choosing that you can think of. What I told now, I would love to use also because I am researching mods that let me have Daedric Staff in Skyrim. Thank you for your time with reading all of this :)

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