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Is there any way to change your user name?


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I've been changing my user name on every forum I frequent, (FF, Mal, Tomaforums,) and I have successfully done so in every forum except for this one. (There are just too many "Lunas" so I want my name to be more unique to me >)<)


Anyways, is that possible? Or do I have to make a new account and request this account be closed? (Because I know that having to accounts is against the rules, and I'd prefer to just change my name)


Thank you for your time!!! ^)^



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We don't do "name changes". It's actually a rather tedious, multi-step process that only Admins can accomplish. Requires a bunch of manual edits to tables in the back-end databases in order to keep the new "username" associated with the mods, images, forum posts, endorsements, and PM systems across all the sites!

What you can do is Request that the account be Closed, and you can start a new one under a new username.

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