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Quick question on conditions using "OR"


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Hey all,


I've only found a few topics regarding the "OR" function in the conditions box and I am still unsure about it.


Using this example:


HasPerk Steelsmithing == 1

HasPerk Ebonysmtihing == 1

GetBaseActorValue Smithing >= 25


I want it so that if you have either steelsmithing or ebonysmithing perks plus the actorbasevalue for the condition.


If i have a talent spent in steel and have a basevalue of 25, it works (true)

If i have a talent spent in ebony and have a basevalue of 25, it works (true)

If i have either steel or ebony and have a basevalue less than 25, it fails (false)

If i have neither steel or ebony and have a basevalue of 25, it fails (false)


So would i write the conditions as:



HasPerk Steelsmithing == 1 OR

HasPerk Ebonysmtihing == 1 OR

GetBaseActorValue Smithing >= 25 AND


Or would it be like this?



HasPerk Steelsmithing == 1 OR

HasPerk Ebonysmtihing == 1 AND

GetBaseActorValue Smithing >= 25 AND


Thanks all and cheers!

Edited by warlordmordrid
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