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Installs properly but...


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<p>Hi, i'm using the Nexus Mod Manager to try and get some better textures for Skyrim. I'm trying to install LITE version of these: <a href="http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/607%C2%A0">http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/607 </a> I have 4 of them, and i installed them with the Nexus Mod Manager while they were in the .zip format. It says the installation is successful when i activate them, but it doesn't appear in the game nor in the tab next to the mods, where i have Skyrim and Dawnguard. So why it's not working? I also noticed, that it does not have any .bsa file (which it should have?) to be put into the Skyrim/Data folder, like in one of those video tutorials had. So what am i missing here exactly?</p> Edited by Khuldan
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Textures and meshes are just that...they don't usually need an .esp/.esm unless they are changing records within the game.


I'll bet that if you look for those textures and meshes in the game, the'll be there.



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I did look, but i don't see any difference on the surface textures. I also installed "Wintertide Fantasy ENB", and haven't seen any difference. Not sure if i need some other stuff for the ENB one, but there are a lot of textures that should have been replaced and they're not. Anyone have any idea? Oh, and the "textures" folder is not in my Skyrim/Data folder, as i put it to the NMM mod folder, but it still installed it.

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Okay i think it's working, when i went to test it, to Whiterun. Could someone link me a mod that perhaps enhances the textures of the whole environment and not just few places so i could test if it really works? Thanks.

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Okay i think it's working, when i went to test it, to Whiterun. Could someone link me a mod that perhaps enhances the textures of the whole environment and not just few places so i could test if it really works? Thanks.

listen, when you install a texture overhaul your game won't became disneyland, when the author provide a pic "before" it's vanilla without any setting in 800 x 600, then "after" you have the mod + Enb^^ it can't be hugly,
then, in game if you where playing vanilla on high or ultra, all the difference will be subtle.
if you are using Skyrim 2k HD lite, it's one of the best overhaul on nexus, you can try the 2k HD regular or different ENB to make it more real, colorfull etc..but it's really taxing

@@ Edited by korun
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