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ENB water reflections breaking at low viewing angles


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I made the switch to ENB waters from RW2 but I am noting a bit of a bug with reflections, though I am not sure if this is just a limitation of the mod itself.
Reflections work great for the most part, impressive stuff. When facing water, however, if I start to look down, I will see reflections break into stripes, but these coalesce together to form the proper reflection once I start looking up again.
I am using Ruby enb with the latest ENB files. I tried both [Water] enbseries.ini settings from Ruby and ENB water, and the problem persists.
Higher viewing angle
Lower viewing angle


Any helps is welcomed, thanks!


EDIT: in case anyone encounters this, it is a known bug as per ENB developer Boris, fixing it would be detrimental to performance, so I it is unlikely to be fixed.

Edited by ElCapitan8866
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