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DLC - dragon born or dawnguard first?


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I know the release dates of both - and which came first of course - but not having purchased either yet - I would like to know which one would you purchase if you had the option to purchase one or the other first?


Also - I install quite a few mods and am going to experiment with wyrebash on the next install so I expect to screw up and have to do some re-installs. Will I have to download the DLC each time for each new install?


thx :)



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I am of the idea that is probably better to purchase them in the order they are relased, I may be wrong but I feel a bit safer that way. And also order the Unoffical patcher in that order as well. Besides Dawnguard makes crossbows avalible, there are many crossbow mods that require Dawnguard. And If you use the Vilja companion mod, you probably want to wait with Dragonborn to get the mod team a chance to update with Solstheim content since she are from around there.


It probably doesn't matter from a technical point thou, this was just my preference.

Edited by niceguy
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If you are only going to buy one? Dragonborn, it is the superior dlc of the two. If you can wait to get your hands on a crossbow then there really isn't much drawing you to Dawnguard - the quests are a bit long drawn and a tad onerous. Dragonborn offers more of what made Skyrim great, and I think the Carved Nordic armor and weapons, as well as the Dark Elf chitin armor and the Stalhrim stuff, easily beat down the stuff offered in Dawnguard. Edited by CyrusAmell
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