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what about make new mod vampire twilight power


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no fear sun any more


have uniq new power/spell/purge



no one know u r a vampire u can be vampire in same time be a werewoft and evoution in to werepre same as in underworld movie



the epic quest line for get super powwer to fusion bettween vampire and werewoft can transfowmation any time to werepyre



more power ful than vampire load becuz u fusion areldy



eg.. super jump power sun cant damage u anymore adont need to feed blood anymore but if u feed more u feed more power get



story ry quest about fight with vampire lord and werewoft lord








i have new idea about the mod that make a uniq spell master level with long quest story for getting the spell



- comet spell after cast have comet fell form sky in the are u cast have delay time


-ultima spell for full power aoe spell

-holy spell for undead extra damage with aoe


- flare spell single target spell extream damage form final fantasy serie


fire-fira-firaga single target /aoe /aoe plus its change form fire to fira to firaga as purge level up eg . level 1-25 fire 25-75 fira 75+ firaga


-graviti spell make enemy strack to ground cant moveall act with good effect such as have the gravity aura around target for make sense that its cant move and got stuck with the spell









new skill for mele combat and range combat with weapon


when use its occur as skill this one inmportant becus sky rim has magic but dont have skill we have tomake its



eg - bash skill with ---effect stun also need to have good animation eeg when use have aura aorund your weapon with light good sound effect


- magnum blade

-million stab form devil maycry 3 dash to slash your enemy


with combo skill


eg - dash > million stab > bash 3combo each skill had long animation for time to use another skill for skill that short is the finish skill that cant be combo after it

Edited by hollowfeel
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