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A Great idea

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Hey guys, so i was thinking there are so many mods out there for skyrim but i think there needs to be more, so i was thinking of a mod that allows you to take over forts for you. It has the same idea as build your own house mod but better.


So the idea is after certain quests for each fort is done you can find a book or notes near the fort you wish to take over, but they only show if all quests for the fort is done like for example:

Fort Fellhammer-when you complete all quests for this fort the book or note appears near a already discovered location *a shack or small opened building* with the orders of some one who wanted to take it over but died. So now you can do is kill all enemies within the fort, which even has its own quest line and map maker's, after you kill everyone the enemy re spawns are gone and who can start building your own fort. You can upgrade them with money to build walls, barracks, watch towers, maybe a bar/inn, armory, and even your own master suite.


Forts i had in mind of taking over (not main quest line forts that change from Empireal or stormcloaks)


Blood-let throne

Cracked tusk keep

Darklight tower

Faldars Tooth

Fort fellhammer

Gallows rock

Treva's Watch


For Treva's watch there should be a quest where either you kill the people outside the fort that want you to take back the fort after you complete it or ask them to join you and rebuild it, or leave it be.


As for the other forts all random quests should be removed to help with conflicts. And the locations of the shacks should be some where near the forts with the attack notes in them after all quest related to that fort is done. And i think the modder should only choose either from 3-5 forts to be taken.


As about the Build your own house mod being mentioned, i figure you can make it the way you like. For example you prefer to make a barracks over your own main hall so be it or if you want both. You even get your own flags.


Flag options for the forts






(Either the 5 Major Holds or all 9 of them)

Vampire (if any exist, if not, some one please make it)

Werewolf (maybe figure someone make a flag for werewolves)


(All of the 9 Divines)


Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, Companions, DarkBrotherHood



note you can only have 1set for each fort but can have a fort with Empire and one with Neutral and another flag you choose for the other forts. Or you can just use the same flag for each fort you decide.

Edited by TheCommanderOfThe101st
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This would go pretty nicley with my Idea.




For mine, I was basically looking for someone to mod a castle where you can add your own guards(Captain/normal) and servants. and the guards/servants would go about their daily routine of cooking, cleaning, patrolling, sleeping, any other tasks. Also hopefully make it so you can equip your guards/servants when they are on duty.


I was also thinking with this if people didn't want to make their own castle/fortress to just use one of the already existing forts and add a questline to clear out the enemy force.

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I know im tired of trying to get people to make a fort or castle so why not take one over? It's way more fun and lore friendly if you ask me. Cause what person wouldn't want the Dragonborn to have his own Fort, cause you do so much to save the world and all you get is a bunch of small items and houses. What about a fort where you control your own guards and servants, and i was thinking of some how putting it where you can use the Paradise Falls mod to enslave people and make them your servants instead, or even your own Guards. What do you think about that?

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Don't know if I would trust someone I enslaved to be my guard lol. I kinda like that one fort that has the bar in the walls. I always imagined my guards and servants would go there to relax after their shift before bedtime. I forget the name of the fort though. :(

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Yea i know having a slave as your Guard isn't lore friendly or smart but if if the item to enslave that person binds their soul to you and they try and kill you then they die just like that. Besides i have had slave's take the hit from a deadly blow and kill dragons,

Edited by TheCommanderOfThe101st
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