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Looking for some scripting advice amd help.

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So I'm trying to figure out how to script but it is going super slow and i have been reading every tutorial I can find and made copies of some to re-read offline like the one by Cipscis.


I am trying to make a menu pop up when you activate a container (Briefcase) That lets you pick it up, open to store stuff, or do nothing. I had an idea for it but it was wrong so many error messages popped.



I looked kinda like this.



scn CaseSCRIPT

Begin OnActivate

Set Button to GetButtonPressed

If ButtonPressed == 1
Player.AddItem CaseID

If ButtonPressed == 2
Player.Activate CaseID

If ButtonPressed == 3


So i get failures that say Button is an unknown variable and more that I can't remember.


I'm also trying to make a summoning device that only works outside not in combat and if the companion (it's a companion mod BTW) is not in the party or is waiting somewhere and is lost or your to lazy to look.


scn 001SummonsSCRIPT

Begin OnFire
	If ( Player.IsInInterior == 1 )
					ElseIf ( Player.IsInCombat == 1 ) || ( GetVATSMode != 0 )
		Player.placeatme JTAlphaPrime

It does work but what do i do to make it work so that if the companion is waiting or not in the party it summons them to you?

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scn CaseSCRIPT

short sMyButton ; You need to declare variables before you can use them.

Begin OnActivate

ShowMessage YourMessage ;need to show the message. Also, activate blocks can't handle wait-for-input code, you need to do those in gameMode or menuMode


begin menuMode 1001 ;menuMode 1001 is the message box menu. This code will execute once every frame as long as the window is showing.

Set sMyButton to GetButtonPressed

If sMyButton == 0 ; Make sure the variables are consistent; you were using 'Button' to store the button press, and checking 'ButtonPressed' here. Also, buttons are 0-initialized, rather than 1-initialized
Player.AddItem CaseID
elseIf sMyButton == 1 ;Wrong construction here, you needed if/elseIf/elseIf, not If/If/If
Player.Activate CaseID
endIf ;No need to exit the menu in code, if you have a null button, the menu will close by itself.

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scn CpnSummonsSCRIPT ; Changed the name.  Second rule of modding: NEVER begin an editorID with a numeric Character.

Begin OnFire
If ( Player.IsInInterior == 1 )
ElseIf ( Player.IsInCombat == 1 ) || ( GetVATSMode != 0 )
JTAlphaPrimeREF.moveTo player 32 32 0 ; You want to call moveTo on your companion ref, here, NOT use placeAtMe. Place at me creates a NEW item from the base form at the calling reference. MoveTo is called on a reference and moves that reference to the target marker.
Edit because the board is fisking stupid. Edited by Xaranth
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scn CpnSummonsSCRIPT ; Changed the name.  Second rule of modding: NEVER begin an editorID with a numeric Character.

Begin OnFire
	If ( Player.IsInInterior == 1 )
	ElseIf ( Player.IsInCombat == 1 ) || ( GetVATSMode != 0 )
		JTAlphaPrimeREF.moveTo player 32 32 0 ; You want to call moveTo on your companion ref, here, NOT use placeAtMe.  Place at me creates a NEW item from the base form at the calling reference.  MoveTo is called on a reference and moves that reference to the target marker.
Edit because the board is fisking stupid.

I get errors that say CaseID is not a valid item to pick up so i guess that means this is impossible, but thanks for giving me the script maybe someone could make it work just not me.

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