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Just wanted to say hi to the whole Nexus community. I have been frequenting the site for a couple months now and have downloaded quite a few mods. I figured I should finally get aroun to saying hi.
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TheNexus is always a Lovely community (Except for the times that it isn't). People are Friendly and well mannerd (Except for those that aren't) and I am Mr.I. Welcome to the forums and never eat potato chips while lying on the couch Upside down, that makes you a Couch "air" potato and cheers

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Now that you have a fishy stick, and beacause i don't exsist outside the internet...

Not yet anyway, i would just liek to say few words...


1. I cannot spell.

2. I know where you live, really i do, i keep track of everyone....

3. I appear and dissapear live those chaps in india who dissasmbl thmselves in Dehli and reappear in calcutta few minutes latter.

4. If your a vampire or know a vampire don't worry, i can't kill you or them even when i try.

5. I will try...

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