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Dwemer Modders Wanted


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Attention, I know how to use Blender and I also have 3ds Max 2012 Student Edition with the Nifscripts finally plugged in as of today.


I am intending to assemble a mutual staff so that we can bring more innovation to the world of the Dwemer.


I've been working with Blender off and on throughout the last 2 years and have just basic knowledge on how to make meshes. I know how to basically use U.V. Editor, just low experience in that.


I am needing experienced modders who will help me make a Dwemercycle (Bike). I can assemble the tires and maybe a seat. I just need someone with experience on how to mold the details of the vehicle.


If you would, I can fill you in on the rest of the details when you private message me.



Edited by StormKat33
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