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shadow and light problem


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sorry i don't speak well english, so i use google translator

i have a probleme with fire light and shadow on my carracter


on the screen you can see well on the belly rightside

when I'm in a room with a fire, light form a sort of staircase shadow on his body, other light sources I have no problem.
it's really with the dancing lights.

I tried putting the un-official patch but it does not work.(for this)

someone could help me and tell me what comes from this problem? or there is there a patch or mod for this?

i use only one mod who change light, it's realistic light overhaul http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30450
but it's the same probleme without mod

if i'm in a place with light who don't move it's fine
like here for exemple:


Edited by loy67
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