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Sell my Scrolls, Vendors!


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I'm on the last stretch of my mod, and I cannot get any vendors to sell my new scrolls.


I created a new container with my scrolls and added a chest for each member (about a dozen) of the JobSpellFaction. I set up ownership for each chest, but the only scrolls the merchants sell are standard mayhem, fire storm, hysteria, etc.


What can I do to get them to sell my scrolls?



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Have you tried putting the scrolls in a leveled list and adding that to the vendor's original chest?

I'll give it a try, but I thought you weren't supposed to change the original chest.

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Technically you aren't, right.

Instead, you could put them into LItemSpellVendorScrolls75. That one is already used by most mage vendors and leveled list can easily be merged using wrye bash.

The only way around merging leveled lists is to create your own dedicated scroll vendor.

Edited by ravenmast0r
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I added the scroll to LItemSpellVendorScrolls75 but none of the merchants have it, not even in their chests. Do you think another mod is interfering and that I need to use Wyre Bash?


Edit: I tried my mod out alone on a clean new game and still no scroll :\

Edited by edhelsereg
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Okay, so here's where I'm at. I added my scroll to every Scroll list and what I noticed is that NOT ALL the items in the vendors' chests are owned property. When I open the chests beneath the college some of the contents are red and some are white. Most of the scroll are white. That's probably why they are not showing up in the vendors' inventories. Why the heck are they not owned in an owned chest?!

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