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Things that are and aren't possible in mods


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Okay, I am not good at moding Skyrim and am not sure what in all is possible and what's not. So I'm asking here if anyone know if this things are possible to do with mods.


(1) New perk trees, like tailoring for example.

(2) New creature types, like Imps. I know this was impossible in Oblivion and is probably impossible in Skyrim too.

(3) New transformations with there own perk trees, like Vampire lord and Werewolf's.

(4) Sub categories in crafting menus. Like Steel > Weapons > Swords > Steel sword rather then Steel > Steel sword.

(5) Transformations that are unique to a NPC ie the players Werewolf form is armored but every other NPC has a unarmored one.

(6) Transformations that you can change the armor of ie a Vampire lord that you can change from being armored to unarmored in game.

(7) Spheres or cubes of watter. Like a fish tank with no glass so you can just walk right into it and be underwater.

(8) New damage and defense types magic and physical.

Edited by blackninja50
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(1) New perk trees can't be done, but existing ones can be adjusted. My opinion is that tailoring would best fit into smithing tree. (Even if it sounds awful)

(2) Depends. New animations can't be made. So imps can't be done, for example. (Unless rigged to, for example, Chaurus hunter)

(3) New perk tree is not possible.

(4) Maybe with some complex scripts.. But I won't promise anything.

(5) Possible as far as I know. There's mods already that make player character + beast form visually different from others.

(6) Possible. Utilized in certain vampire mod which I can't remember now. (Though, it only has Normal vs. harkon's VL form)

(7) No?

(8.) Possible. Keywords, resistances and so.

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As far as the vampire lord armor I played around with a mod kinda like that the other day. It looked all right I guess. Wasn't much of a transformation, just the players character floating and using the transformations animations. The hands got stretched out to fit the claws, other than that fuilly functional and options for armor or no.

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