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Israel's actions


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The Jews were given Israel after World War II because they were discriminated for a long time going back to B.C. they were enslaved by the Egyptians and the Nazis disliked them for I don't know what reason. They were given that land so they could live in peace without being discriminated and blamed for everything that went wrong. The Palestinians decided to Start a war with them. The Israelis did not start bombing The Gaza strip or any of there religious monuments. They could have lived in peace for a while if they weren't attacked. I don't like it when people think every Muslim is a terrorist that's not right. Israel is an ally of the United States and therefore we shall continue to aid them. If Great Britain was attacked we would immediately help them out. Same with any other of our allies including Israel. I wish the Israelis well and all of you with kind responses to this post even if they were against the matter of Israel.

-w2drs21 :thanks:

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They were given that land so they could live in peace without being discriminated and blamed for everything that went wrong. The Palestinians decided to Start a war with them.

Only a litlle thing.


If by "The Palestinians decided to start a war" you refer the 1948 war, you're wrong. But's it's a normal confusion.

It wasn't the Palestinians who began that war but the Arabs nations, that was against the creation of both of the Palestinians and JEw countriers , as the JEWs resist arabs began to use the Palestinians as puppets and thus ended in this situation.

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The Jews were given Israel after World War II because they were discriminated for a long time going back to B.C. they were enslaved by the Egyptians and the Nazis disliked them for I don't know what reason. They were given that land so they could live in peace without being discriminated and blamed for everything that went wrong. The Palestinians decided to Start a war with them. The Israelis did not start bombing The Gaza strip or any of there religious monuments. They could have lived in peace for a while if they weren't attacked. I don't like it when people think every Muslim is a terrorist that's not right. Israel is an ally of the United States and therefore we shall continue to aid them. If Great Britain was attacked we would immediately help them out. Same with any other of our allies including Israel. I wish the Israelis well and all of you with kind responses to this post even if they were against the matter of Israel.

-w2drs21 :thanks:




Did you even read the prior posts? If so you might not be so wrong in your version of history.

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Thanks for the corrections of my mistakes. But why are people saying we should not help them? Were helping Iraq. We helped Georgia.

Besides were not directly in the war were only helping supplying them with ammunition weapons money and so on. Giving them money with not really affect our economy as it is were already in major debt. Here is a website that shows our debt it not just Israel were spending on its Iraq foreign goods and so on. So helping our Allies really wont make a difference. were already in a 5000 foot hole we cant get up buy climbing 10 feet. If we got into a war our allies would help us out. http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/

- w2drs21

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been awhile since I've posted on this thread but anywho...


It seems that once again things have been a little flip flopped from actuality, however it seems that w2drs21 has been trying to set things straight. How is it Israel's fault that they were attacked by Hamas? Look at it like this people! You're in an alley, a guy charges you with a knife, what do you do? Stand there and get stabbed then quietly bleed to death? NO! You're going to either A) disarm him B) high-tail it to the nearest law enforcer C) in self defense, beat him unconcious (kind of is the same as A) or kill him in self defense. What it seems that most people believe is that Israel should be the guy standing in the alley and be the guy who get's charged by some lunatic with a knife and BE the guy who get's stabbed and quietly bleed to death. Israel did not start this, and they should not get a bunch of crap over defending their people, America did it after 9/11 (in a kind of round about half-@$$ way, but America did it) And w2drs21 has a very valid point about allies helping allies, I mean for Pete's sake we ARE ALLIES

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It is not how it started that really matters;


it is how it is all going to end!







Love the :banana: because I grew up in the tropics!

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It is not how it started that really matters;


it is how it is all going to end!


Well it's very difficult to make a diplomatic end when Hamas want to destroy all Israel....


And people here saying it's Israel who is the one that wants destruction....


And yes it's very important to remind what side begins the war, for better compreension and ,why not, justice sence.

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Well it's very difficult to make a diplomatic end when Hamas want to destroy all Israel....


And people here saying it's Israel who is the one that wants destruction....


And yes it's very important to remind what side begins the war, for better compreension and ,why not, justice sence.


Its very difficult to make a diplomatic solution work if there are no mutually agreeable terms. Both ways.


The problem is that its very hard to "place the blame" on one side or the other. There are arguments for both.

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Its very difficult to make a diplomatic solution work if there are no mutually agreeable terms. Both ways.


The problem is that its very hard to "place the blame" on one side or the other. There are arguments for both.

I agree.

I only remembered some people what is the side who swants to destroy the another.


There is israeli who whatnts to destroy the palestiniasn, sure stupid people exist everywhere.

Its the Israel's official strategy ? No!


There's blame in both sides sure. But unfortunately there's people who don't saw this, and put the "blame Israel and Jews song" in the max!

Forggeting the fact that there was Israeli Jews who was against the attacks and made anti-war manifestation.


And the other side....

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