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Pickpocketing Overhaul with Detection Eye Disabled


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I came up with an idea as I noticed the "Spot Detection" perk in Ordinator's sneak talent tree (which grants an ability to outline humanoids that are detecting you at that moment for 30 seconds).




Failing to pickpocket (loot an item) no longer alerts enemies, instead the item is lost from the loot list and cannot be attempted to loot for a set time (maybe a week).


This would work well with the already mentioned "Spot Detection" perk when detection eye icon from the hud is disabled.


The player would need to use this ability in cities/towns to make sure they are not detected by others. (Especially useful with Extra Guards mod.)


I think this would create much more interesting thief gameplay and encourage the player not to spam quick saves when pickpocketing and just accept the small losses.



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