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Navigating Terminal SubMenus via Papyrus


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Hey everyone, question regarding terminal navigation and scripting.. Is it possible to navigate terminal menus via a script? For example, if there was a terminal with a menu item "Check Weather Forecast," which generated a random integer upon being run, and then pulled a premade terminal from a form list with the same index as the integer to be the SubMenu, is it possible to do so? Is there an easier way to go about this that I am overlooking? Any help is greatly appreciated :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
So you’d like to create randomized terminal submenus? In the “Terminal” window create two “Item texts” with conditions. In the contitions section, add a condition GetGlobalValue (your global=0). For the other Item text, add a condition GetGlobalValue (your global=1). After that, create a script and use the Unitily.Random to randomize between 0 and 1. Finally, create your submenus and add them to the “Item texts”.
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