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A Castle/Fortress Idea(hopefully new, then again hopefully not)


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One thing I have always loved doing is turning a bunch of followers into my personal squad for fighting in the civil war and other various quests/wandering. When it comes to homes I haven't been able to find any ones that have the one thing I wish. Granted the thing I am hoping to find in a mod is probably a bit difficult to make. So if you think you can handle the challenge or know of an existing version of this already let me know!



The Idea I wished implemented is some kinda decent sized castle or fortress. With the ability to add your followers to the guard/servants roster of the castle. Maybe some sort of book in an office that you can assign which ever follower you want to which ever position you want.


For example, I like being an Imperial. I don't know why since normally I love rebelling but for skyrim I just seem to stick to Imperials more. For this you would be able to assign one of your followers to the guard "captain" and others under his command. Once they are set, when they are at the house and not following you, they will follow a scheduel. Going to the barracks to eat/sleep and patrolling around the castle/fortress exterrior and interrior.


Hell maybe even an option to send out patrols around the castle or to gather supplies from a city or town.


As far as adding other followers to the servants table. You will assign them roles of chef/maid/(butler?)/blacksmith/..ext...


An option to outfit your guards/servants when they are on duty would be a nice addition.


I know there are some home mods like king of (forget the name of the castle, thats near riverwood and whiterun). But the last time I checked that mod out it didn't quite have what I was thinking. I don't exactly wish to be a ruler, just dragonborn/officer who has his own castle fortress.


Hell there are some fortresses already in the vanilla game that I would not mind if they were modded for this purpose,(possibly a quest to remove what ever enemy is in there and then hire contracters to fix the place up?).


Even though I have hopes for this to be made by one of your wonderful modders I understand that its probably a tough project. If anyone else has any Ideas they would like to add to this feel free. If I had even the slightest hint of the talent that a lot of the modders I have seen on this site, I would definitly do this my self. But since my creative skills usually come in the form of not there I have to cross my fingers and hope on someone to take the challenge.


If you decide to work on this or not, thank you for at least taking the time To read my idea.

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So what you want is a castle where you can use your follower to patrol it?Making it so followers can do the part might be a little hard or time consuming to do with all the options existing. I am doing a castle where you have guard patrolling all around + npcs like cook,steward,stableboy,vendor,cleaning ladies etc. I know it might not be what you want but if it can interest you, I have a few screenshots on the nexus of it plus the small video in my sig (might release a beta in a month). But yeah, I see why you would love that, main reason why I am doing one, it is rather hard to make it perfect for someone else though.

Edited by littleork
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I'll definitly love to take a look at it. Mainly I just want the ability to make my followers into the castle/fortress guard (the servants part is not really nessisary just a fun idea I guess). And sending them on patrols outside of the castle is not really nessisary either.


I made a few of my rl friends into the game and would love to make one of them the Captain and the rest of my followers have a night day walkin around system. The Idea to outfit your guards would be good for the people who want to have a themed fort, for instance I don't really like being a stormcloak so I never got past the crown mission. So naturally I would like to outfit my guard as Imperials while I'm sure many others wouldn't.


None the less I would love to take a look at your castle. I just hope its not as big as that Castle Grey or similar castles to that. I like the Idea of having a castle/fortress about the same size as the average forts already in the game.

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Yeah it doesn't look as huge as some castles that I saw out there, I was more focusing on the feeling of ownership with guards and other npcs that will do things for you.


The video in my signature show you all the rooms, I am not artistic enough to make huge castle like some others that I saw :P

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Ohh nice. I'll have to take a look at it later since I'm focusing mostly on some work. One question about your mod though. Will you at least set it up so the player can outfit their guard?

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Ohh nice. I'll have to take a look at it later since I'm focusing mostly on some work. One question about your mod though. Will you at least set it up so the player can outfit their guard?

Right now they have a specific armor, main reason is because I want to have them wear a tabard with the castle's sigil (so It need to fit well with a specific armor), however, if you were to want them to wear an imperial armor instead, only thing I would need to do is switch their armor in the mod (which takes like 5 mins ).

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Ohh nice. I can't wait till I can check out this home! If you were to do the armor switching would you be able to do one small request? For the guard captain could you give him heavy imperial armor and the officer helmet, and the rest just have the leather? (Thats how I normally set up my ranks, with the third in command of my group having the imperial studded armor).



*Fun showing how weird I am at this part* When they are my followers I give them different colored cloaks depending on their role. Red for just basic grunts, Purple for Mages, White for my Medic(Natialie *how ever spelled* is a great healer npc), brown for the archers, black assassin, Blue for my second in command Since I like blue better. I'm not really saying to go into detail about the cloaks since thats just me sharing useless info heh.

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Ohh nice. I can't wait till I can check out this home! If you were to do the armor switching would you be able to do one small request? For the guard captain could you give him heavy imperial armor and the officer helmet, and the rest just have the leather? (Thats how I normally set up my ranks, with the third in command of my group having the imperial studded armor).



*Fun showing how weird I am at this part* When they are my followers I give them different colored cloaks depending on their role. Red for just basic grunts, Purple for Mages, White for my Medic(Natialie *how ever spelled* is a great healer npc), brown for the archers, black assassin, Blue for my second in command Since I like blue better. I'm not really saying to go into detail about the cloaks since thats just me sharing useless info heh.

I do something similar as well, as I rise in rank in the civil war, I give my guy different cloaks and armor (would work better if that quest wasn't bugged :S)


Well just keep an eye on it and if you enjoy the castle, just send me a pm about it so I can do the armor change for ya.

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Its located way north of Skyrim, its actually way up on the top of a mountain, there is a quest associated to it and I have teleports that will be available for easier access (teleport will be accessed from the 5 main holds castle. I will probably do a forum thread later this week with more details about the features.

Edited by littleork
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