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Bound Equipment


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Adds two alteration spells:


One which binds the players armor and weapons to another plane, effectively hiding them from your inventory and reducing their weight to zero.


And a second, that summons all stored equipment back to the player's inventory, effectively unhiding them from your inventory and increasing their weight to normal.


When a player equips bound armor or weapons through the favorites menu (or through popular mods which save sets of equipment,) magicka, equivalent to the weight of the gear summoned, is consumed, and the bound armor and/or weapons materialize (with an appropriate effect) from the ether.


When a player unequips bound armor and/or weapons, he/she expends magicka equivalent to the weight of the gear to send it back to another plane.


If the player does not have enough magicka to equip/unequip, then the weapon/armor is not summoned/bound.


Magicka costs can be reduced by effects that influence alteration.



Maybe this spell is taught to you by some alteration/fashion expert.



I guess what I'm asking for is an immersive hotkey mod, with an emphasis on magic, that saves and equips weapon/armor sets.

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